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MyVote Today 3.6
Its time to vote! Its time to beheard!MyVoteToday™ is an app which aims to improve the qualityofdemocracy worldwide, through citizen voting on ‘concernsthatmatter and matters that concern’ – in order to influencegovernanceat the local and national levelKNOW OF ISSUES• Educate yourself of issues/news that affect your area,city,state, nation• Simple, easy-to-read, bulleted, unbiased• Be a better informed citizenVOICE YOUR OPINION• Vote on concerns that matter and matters that concern you• Post topics to express your grievances/concerns• Sign petitions to effect changeINCREASE ACCOUNTABILITY• Track progress of petitions• Help increase accountability of governments• See change happen for realHOW IT WORKSMyVoteToday crowdsources topics/issues from users onapincode/zipcode, city, state and national level. Each userreceivesone Daily Poll to vote his or her opinion. As soon as aPoll isclosed, results will be made public. MyVoteToday will alsoconvertpressing issues into petitions addressed to relevantindividuals ororganisations, so that governments truly become ofthe people, bythe people, for the people.Let us #ReclaimDemocracySUPPORTWe love to hear your thoughts, inputs, views and feedback,pleasefeel free to reach out to us on [email protected] USMyVoteToday is promoted by a dedicated team based out of USAandIndia, driven by the passion of reclaiming our democraciesforthose it matters – we, the people!